The birth certificate of Marco Felice born 1736

I do not speak Italian or Latin and would love someone to translate this for me
Roughly we make it out to say -
Free day 4, (literally: something religious perhaps) 26 day of December 1736
Marcus Felix Philippus Franciscus son of JUs.D (Don't know what this means or even if I've got the right letters. Seems to be an abbreviation maybe of some sort of title. The D might stand for Dominus i.e. Lord) Jo. Battista (This is Latin for Gio. Battista) Zani and JUs.D.(again) Maria Nicoletta de Moreschi his wife, born yesterday morning Tuesday something something (s curr.d maybe abbrev. for "of the current month")of months at 10 (looks like 16 but that wouldn't be morning so I guess it's maybe a flowery 10. However it looks the same as the 6 in 1736 at the top!) o'clock in the Parish of Santa Maria Labarum Coeli, baptised that day, godparent J Umus D. (This may be the above title spelt out fuller. Can't find a translation for Umus. It will be old latin)Marcus Antonius Collini of Sbara Lijs (place name?), and for him (?? maybe Marcus couldn't make it and Giovanni stood in for him) JUs.D (again) Ioannes Ambrosius Maggi Sommazzi.